Improvement of abilities and Self actualisation through self-knowledge


The Feldenkrais Method offers a unique and effective approach to promoting well-being through personal development. The method allows individuals to break free from old patterns, embrace vitality and spontaneity, and ultimately, gain a stronger sense of control over their lives. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the Feldenkrais Method that contribute to personal development and well-being.

What can the Feldenkrais Method offer ?

A. Gaining Control and Living Your Dreams

The Feldenkrais Method empowers individuals by giving them the tools to understand their movement patterns, identify habits, and create new possibilities for themselves. This newfound understanding can lead to a greater sense of control over one’s life and the ability to pursue both avowed and unavowed dreams with confidence.

B. Finding Vitality and Encouraging Spontaneity

By letting go of rigid patterns and embracing more fluid, efficient movements, practitioners can experience a greater sense of aliveness and freedom in their daily lives.

C. Identifying Habits and Fostering Self-Regulation

The Feldenkrais Method supports self-discovery by encouraging individuals to identify their habitual movement patterns and develop self-regulation skills. This process of introspection can lead to better decision-making, increased emotional intelligence, and improved overall well-being.

D. Moving with Ease and Pleasure

One of the core goals of the Feldenkrais Method is to help individuals move with greater ease and pleasure. By cultivating a deeper understanding of one’s body and learning more efficient ways of moving, practitioners can enjoy a more comfortable, pain-free life.

E. Learning to Learn

A key aspect of the Feldenkrais Method is the cultivation of a "learning to learn" mindset. This approach helps individuals become more adaptable and open to new experiences, ultimately contributing to personal development and well-being.

Some key take-aways

The Feldenkrais Method provides a powerful approach to personal development and well-being by focusing on movement, body awareness, and self-exploration. By helping individuals gain control over their lives, live their dreams, find vitality, encourage spontaneity, identify habits, develop self-regulation, move with ease and pleasure, create options for personal growth, promote maturation and continuous improvement, and learn to learn, the Feldenkrais Method establishes a solid foundation for personal growth and overall well-being.

Interesting resources

Cognitive Improvements in Older Adults

Feldenkrais exercises improved cognitive functioning in older adults, highlighting the potential for managing age-related cognitive decline (Ullmann, 2016).

Reducing Pain-Related Catastrophizing in Fibromyalgia

Feldenkrais interventions improved awareness and reduced catastrophic thinking about pain, showing promise for managing chronic pain with psychological dimensions (Giorgi et al., 2023).

Mind-Body Awareness for Improved Self-Perception

Explores Feldenkrais as a tool to enhance self-organization, reducing stress and improving functional outcomes through movement awareness (Kimmel et al., 2014).

Psychological Well-being

Adolescents reported increased psychological well-being and interoceptive processes, suggesting potential for fostering mental health (Wallman-Jones et al., 2022).

Eating Disorders

The method was effective in improving body image and emotional regulation in patients with eating disorders (Laumer et al., 1997).

Supported Employment for Intellectual Disabilities

FM enhanced physical functioning and body balance in individuals with intellectual disabilities (Torres-Unda et al., 2017).