Ilan Jacobson – Trainer

Feldenkrais Education

Ilan Jacobson is a trainer who is highly regarded for his exceptional teaching quality. He shares his passion for the method with rigor, generosity and good humor. Ilan, a former Tai Chi and Judo teacher, started the Feldenkrais Method as part of his Judo practice. He trained with Chava Shelhav and was the assistant of the legendary Yochanan Rywerant (a close collaborator of Moshe Feldenkrais), before becoming a trainer himself. He deepened his understanding of the method with other assistants of Moshe Feldenkrais such as Alon Talmi, Eli Wadler and Mia Segal.

For several years he has worked in the European and World Federations ETC (EuroTab Council) and IFF (International Feldenkrais Federation). He is involved in many professional training programs around the world. He has published the famous “Alexander Yanai” courses, the 550 PCM lessons created by Moshe Feldenkrais. He is the director of the Feldenkrais Institute in Tel Aviv, where he has passionately led group classes, individual sessions and post-training for practitioners for over 25 years.

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