About Feldenkrais Education
Feldenkrais Education aims to prepare the next generation of Feldenkrais practitioners and make the method more accessible.
Organising trainings
The training program is foundational in preparing competent and confident practitioners. That's why we put great emphasis on providing the best conditions for learning, and the finest educational programs.
Providing support
In between segments and after the training programs, students and practitioners need concrete tools to keep on learning. Advanced Trainings, workshops, online ressources and mentorship programs help us grow in our practice.
Growing a community
In the learning environments we create, our students make friendships and collaborations for life. We believe in nourishing a community of lifelong learners that support each other.
France :
SAS Feldenkrais Education
38 bd des Hortes, 15000 Aurillac,
FR N°Siret : 841 768 427 00012
N°DA : 8415 0318515
N°APE : 8559B
Belgique :
Education Somatique Bruxelles
274 rue des Alliés, 1190 Forest
N° Entreprise : 0687.654.873
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