Feldenkrais Training Living the inhabitual

Consider Becoming A Feldenkrais Practitioner

It’s more than just a profession… Feldenkrais Education proposes a 4-year professional training program to become a certified Feldenkrais practitioner. The training will allow you not only to teach the method, but also to profoundly change the quality of your life.

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Where should you do the training? Three centers, three atmospheres


  • Cantal 5

    Commencer en Avril & Août 2025

  • Scott Clark

    Educational Director

  • Segments


  • Pricing

    4200 € / year


  • Brussels 4

    2025 - 2029

  • Scott Clark

    Educational Director

  • Segments


  • Pricing

    4200 / year


  • Paris 14

    2025 - 2029

  • Sabine Pfeffer

    Educational Director

  • Segments


  • Pricing

    4300 / year

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4 Years

12 Segments

160 days

800 hours

What you learn The 4 year process

Year 1

  • Focus on Sensing Yourself

    In the beginning, a big part of the focus lies on recognising the underlying patterns that can cause physical pain, stress and fatigue, and how to organise your own movements better.

  • Learn the Theoretical Foundations

    You will integrate some fundamental theoretical concepts of physics, psychology, kinesiology, motor development, anatomy and neurophysiology.

  • Introduction to Touch

    During 4 years, you will develop the observation skills and tactile sensitivity necessary for a professional practice of Individual Sessions. Hands-on work is the focus of the third and fourth year, but the learning starts in the first week.

Year 2

  • Focus on Teaching Strategies and Pedagogy

    You will develop tools for teaching, and strengthen your public speaking skills and communication abilities. You will also learn science-based strategies for learning and refinining your pedagogical thinking.

  • Analyse the Underlying Structure of Lessons

    You will learn to analyze in depth the structure and function of the Awareness Through Movement® lessons. You will learn to adapt the lessons to a specific audience or context. After the trainers supervise your teaching practicums, you will be authorised to teach group lessons to the public.

  • Refine your Touch and Sensitivity

    You will learn how to distinguish a person’s movement patterns, and continue to refine your touch in practical sessions with your colleagues.

Year 3

  • Practice Hands-on

    You will further refine your observation skills and ability to recognize movement patterns. You will start to analyze how these movement patterns might affect a person’s neuro-somatic and emotional well-being.

  • Self-use in Hands-on

    The learning about your self-organisation continues. You will continue to examine your own habits and patterns because ease in your self-use greatly improves the quality of hands-on work.

  • Analyse FI Structure

    You will learn Functional Integration strategies and analyse their application. After practicing various sequences of movement, you will start to grasp how to put it all together in a 45 minute lesson.

  • Contextualise

    Observe Individualised lessons given to a wide variety of audiences, such as children with motor development challenges, musicians, athletes, adults with neurological problems or chronic pain.

Year 4

  • Expand your vocabulary

    You will continue to develop hands-on lessons that take place in a variety of positions: sitting, standing, walking, kneeling, lying down, etc.

  • Reverse-engineering

    You will become familiar with video recordings of Moshe Feldenkrais giving lessons and assist live sessions with experienced trainers. Practice reverse-engineering, i.e. use your experience to analyze and deconstruct various Functional Integration lessons.

  • Setting up a practice

    You will discuss the practical aspects of becoming a practitioner: issues of ethics, coordination and starting a professional practice.

  • Work with the public

    You will give Functional Integration lessons supervised by the teaching team. You will have the opportunity to practice with guest participants from outside the training with varying degrees of difficulty. The trainers will evaluate your competency to work with clients, and advise you on your first professional steps.

What else is included For your learning

12 Individual Lessons

You will receive 12 Functional Integration Individual Lessons with experienced assistants, trainers and practitioners.

Make-up Flexibility

If you miss any days of the curriculum, we have several make-up solutions. You can join segments in any of our other ongoing training programs, or do a self-study with the recordings on our pedagogical platform.

Open Learning Space

You can access the center’s spaces before and after training hours to continue practicing or to hang out with your colleagues.

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Between Segments Continue the learning

Revisit the training

You will have access to all the courses recorded on our online platform during the entire program.

Practice guidelines

After each segments, we give you a list of recommended practice guidelines so you can continue your learning at home.

Weekly Live Lessons

Twice a week, we give online lessons that you can follow from the comfort of your home.

Group practice

Practice groups are created between the students of your training program. You can meet online, or in person if you live in the same city.

Group 23852
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The Enrollment Process

  • Step 1

    Download the PDF

  • Step 2

    Submit a form

  • Step 3

    We'll schedule a meeting

  • Step 4

    We'll notify you about your acceptance

  • Step 5

    Start the journey

Trainees since 2016
Practitioners certified since 2016
Satisfaction in 2022


Upon successful graduation, you will receive a certificate of completion and be recognized internationally as a "Feldenkrais Method practitioner”. You will then be part of a growing international community of over 15,000 practitioners today. The rising recognition in the fields of education, sports, neuroscience and health, guarantees the Feldenkrais Method an important role in the future.