Forest Lighthouse A haven in the city
8 years ago, Nikos and Betza caught the Feldenkrais bug (side effects include an obsession with movement and a newfound awareness of muscles you didn’t know you had). After doing their training, they wanted to organise a training in their hometown, Brussels. But why stop at just a Feldenkrais training? They created a whole center for somatic education - the Forest Lighthouse.
At Forest Lighthouse, you’ll find everything from science-backed therapies to martial arts, dance, massage—you name it. It’s like the ultimate playground for your body and brain. Just as the method embraces inclusivity, they envisioned creating a center that reflects this value at its core. If there’s a way to move, think, or feel differently, you’ll probably find it here. The building itself is a bit like a creativity theme park. Upstairs, people are deep in movement explorations; downstairs, the Lighthouse Lab production studios are buzzing with filmmakers crafting documentaries, short films, and animations.