Week 03 Feb 15 > Feb 21
Enhancing Creativity
Date: Feb 15
Location: Cantal & Online
Speaker(s): Alan Questel
Dates: Feb 17 > Feb 21
Location: Online
Teachers: Nikos Appelquist
Feb 15
In English
Cantal & Online
Feb 16
French subs
Replay w/ Subtitles
Alan will delve into the topic of understanding and enhancing creativity, offering practical tools inspired by Feldenkrais learning strategies. These strategies focus on fostering choice, embracing the unknown, discovering new possibilities through structure and constraints, building confidence in navigating uncertainty, finding skeletal grounding amidst chaos, shifting habits, and using attention to approach tasks in new ways. The talk will be interactive, featuring short experiential exercises that bring these concepts to life through movement, allowing participants to embody and internalize the ideas firsthand.
Additionally, a filmed segment will showcase Yvo Mentens as he explains his conceptual model of creativity to students at the CNSAD, highlighting the pivotal role of attitude in the creative process. We’ll also hear from Caterina Forte, an Italian practitioner who researches the effects of immersive music and Feldenkrais on the production of images and creativity in sighted and blind subjects.
The event will conclude with a Q&A session with Alan Questel.
Monday to Friday
Feb 17 > Feb 21
This week's 5 lessons
Cultivating Creativity Through Movement
A truly creative process goes beyond theory and academic learning—it’s a lived experience. The quality of the process itself directly shapes the final outcome. In the same spirit, Feldenkrais movement lessons place great emphasis on the immediate experience and its nuances.
In this series of process-oriented lessons, you will explore strategies for nurturing creativity: creating safe, inviting, and stimulating learning environments; understanding the role of both rest and deep rest in rewiring the brain; identifying co-contractions and inhibitions; shifting from right-or-wrong thinking to context-based exploration; and balancing global with local attention in your learning.
A frequent byproduct of this approach is developing a fascination with muscles you never knew you had. You may also discover a new curiosity about yourself—one that allows you to feel at ease with the unknown, temporary limitations, and the evolving nature of results.
Monday to Friday
Feb 17 > Feb 21
Lessons in English
Lessons in French
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Check out the detailed program for each week
Week 01
Feb 1 to Feb 7
Speaker(s) :
Nicola Zollinger & Alan Questel
Week 02
Feb 8 to Feb 14
Speaker(s) :
Filip Descheemaeker & Tina Van Eeckhoven
Week 06
Mar 8 to Mar 14
Speaker(s) :
Sophie Dingemans